简介:In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Luz, Tim, Rose and Zhang, who all circle around the Love Club, touch on a path that will make them face their greatest fears. Will Luz be able to live the story with Roberta without the fear of losing her independence?
简介:Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.
简介:克勞第奧(Claudio) 是一個對機械工程特別感興趣的羅馬小伙子,由於對家族擁有的汽車拆毀公司的工作不感興趣,而與父親產生磨擦,一間車行東主斯坦芬諾(Stefano) 發掘了他的潛在才能,而將他引入了不法的地下賽車組織工作。可是當他結識了一位在酒吧工作而仍夢想回學校繼續進修之少女喬凡娜(Giovanna) 後,最終疏遠了斯坦芬諾,但斯需要他的幫助,去贏取一項重要賽賞。以便能夠清還巨額債務。
Claudio lives in Rome and is an aspiring mechanic in conflict with is father, who wants his son to work for him in his car demolition company. Stefano, the owner of...