超人之死与超人归来第2集高清在线播放_八戒专线_日本动漫 - 原来神马影院



  • 超人之死与超人归来第2集
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The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis.   The Death and Return of Superman finds Superman in a fight to the finish when the Man of Steel becomes the only hero who can stand in the way of the monstrous creature Doomsday and his unstoppable rampage. Superman saves the planet, but not himself, leaving Earth’s citizens – and his heroic contemporaries – dealing with a world without Superman. The aftermath of Superman’s death, and the subsequent disappearance of his body, leads to a new mystery – is Superman still alive? The question is further complicated when four new super-powered individuals – Steel, Cyborg Superman, Superboy and the Eradicator – emerge to proclaim themselves as the ultimate hero. In the end, only one will be able to proclaim himself the world’s true Superman.


  • 3.0 12集全 昭和元禄落语心中助六再临篇 关智一,石田彰,小林优,小松未可子,牛山茂,关俊彦,山口胜平,土师孝也,加濑康之,须藤翔,游佐浩二,山寺宏一,林原惠美,小野友树,朝井彩加,四宫豪,冈本光右,驹田航,野濑育二
  • 7.0 更新至14集 银砂糖师与黑色妖精 贯井柚佳,水中雅章,高桥李依,前野智昭
  • 5.0 12集全 立花馆恋爱三角铃 津田美波,櫻木亞美紗,仲田亚里沙,松嵜丽,小松未可子,
  • 6.0 全12集 电锯人 户谷菊之介,楠木灯,坂田将吾,菲鲁兹·蓝,井泽诗织,井上麻里奈
  • 3.0 完结 亡骸游戏 榊原优希,水濑祈,内田雄马,江口拓也,种崎敦美,山路和弘,大久保瑠美,大地叶,长谷川育美,白石晴香,福圆美里,冈本信彦
  • 2.0 更新第1110集 海贼王 田中真弓,冈村明美,中井和哉,山口胜平,平田广明,大谷育江,山口由里子,矢尾一树,长岛雄一,池田秀一,古川登志夫,古谷彻,大塚周夫,津嘉山正种,草尾毅,大场真人,宝龟克寿,园部启一,柴田秀胜,中博史,阪口大助,竹内顺子,千叶繁,三石琴乃,挂川裕彦,堀秀行,田中秀幸,大友龙三郎,有本钦隆,大塚明夫,玄田哲章,小山茉美,土井美加,野田顺子,渡边美佐,野上尤加奈,林原惠美,水树奈奈,园崎未惠,西原久美子,久川绫,泽城美雪,池泽春菜,斋藤千和,神谷浩史,浪川大辅,森久保祥太郎,石田彰,高木涉,桧山修之,子安武人,




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