简介:路易斯·温索普三世(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd饰),一位功成名就的华尔街投资家。黑人比利·雷·瓦伦丁(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy饰),一个为了讨口饭吃而装扮成残废军人沿街乞讨的流浪汉。两个生活在天壤之别世界里的人,居然因为一次打赌而改变了他们的命运。路易斯在兰道夫莫蒂默公爵兄弟公司里工作,有着显赫的地位和优厚的待遇。比利在一次警察的追捕中误入上等俱乐部,遇见了路易斯。而路易斯将他交给了警察,目睹全过程的莫蒂默公爵兄弟对此事持有不同的观点,竟用打赌的方式将二人的身份和地位调换,一场荒诞不羁的命运互换随即上演。 本片荣获1984年第56届奥斯卡金像奖最佳歌曲提名,1984年第41届金球奖电影类-音乐喜剧类最佳影片提名及最佳男主角提名。
简介:June, 1941. A small Russian village at the border is living its everyday life - people work, love, squabble, make plans for the future. The war changes all plans, tears families apart, the first victims fall... Some Russian straggling soldiers who managed to stay alive after the first onslaught of the German army make their own war, some of the locals joining them to avenge the...
简介:In New York, an aspiring novelist has a cinq-a-sept affair with the beautiful wife of a French diplomat. Cultures, world views, personal ethics and dietary preferences clash as love deepens, with remarkable results. Romance, drama and comedy.
简介:Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant?