简介:さらにEXILE TRIBEメンバーが多数出演するエンタテインメントプロジェクト「HiGH & LOW」の劇場版続編2作の公開も決定した。8月19日には「HiGH & LOW THE MOVIE 2」、11月11日にはHiGH & LOW THE MOVIE 3」が公開される。 このほかにもEXPGや「居酒屋えぐざいる」など、さまざまなプロジェクトの新たな展開が発表に。詳しくはLDH公式サイトで確認しよう。
简介:Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous o...
简介:In Swedish film collective Crazy Pictures feature "Den blomstertid nu kommer" Sweden faces a mysterious attack while Alex tries to reunite with his youth love, Anna.
简介:New Year's Eve celebrations are cut short when a masked man stabs a woman in her own home. Jack and the team must uncover the identity of the murderer before they can strike again.
简介:On the border between United States and Mexico, once every 20 years, there are days that locals call timelessness. At this time the gods, to whom the ancient Mayan tribes made sacrifices, descend to earth to take human souls.
简介:柯南在街头目睹一名正打电话的警察在雨中被射杀,忙将凶手追踪,但凶手逃脱。死者闭眼一刻紧抓左胸,似乎有所暗示。事后柯南从目暮警官口中了解到紧抓左胸是暗示那里有警察手册。不久又有警察手拿警察手册被人射杀于地下车库。对于这两起案件,目暮警官等人一反常态不愿向毛利小五郎及柯南透露太多信息。毛利不甘心进一步追问,白鸟警官只答一句“Need not to know”。该话是警察之间所用的密语,意味这两起杀人事件与警察内部人士有关。 柯南、小兰等人参加白鸟妹妹的婚宴,电突然间停掉,那刻小兰正与女警佐藤在洗手间。小兰拿起身边的手电筒欲照明时,一颗子弹射进佐藤身体,小兰吓昏过去。次日小兰醒来,却因怪责自己害佐藤挨枪失去记忆。目暮见事态越来越严重,将秘密说出,原来死去的两名警察正与佐藤一起重查一桩有关医生仁野自杀的案件,该案涉及到警察局长的公子。将局长公子假定为嫌疑人之...