简介:尼克(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)在公司苦熬八年,起早贪黑卖命工作,老板戴夫(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)明明许诺他升职,却临时反悔还狠狠奚落了他一番;戴尔(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是个牙医助手,早就对上司朱莉娅(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)放肆的性骚扰忍无可忍;科特(杰森·苏戴奇斯 Jason Sudeikis 饰)本被视为公司接班人,哪想老板突然暴毙,其子鲍比(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)擅自接手公司,得意洋洋发挥自己的二世祖精神,眼看就要把公司搞垮。三个在恶老板手下受挫的老友在酒吧聚头,突发奇想决定集体干掉老板,且三人分别避开自己老板出手,就能逃开嫌疑,成就完美谋杀。经过精心策划,三位老友各出奇招,一场笑料百出的“杀掉老板”计划就此展开……
简介:Mike Flaherty unexpectedly visits from Washington, meets his replacement Charlie, and ruins Charlie's attempts at wooing Caitlin. Meanwhile, Randall begins dating Judge Claire Simmons, who is separated from her husband, but not divorced.
简介:该剧由Michael J. Fox自编自演,自己制片,故事根据他本人的真实生活改编。他在剧中扮演患帕金森综合症的Mike Burnaby,在家庭、事业和疾病三方夹击下仍顽强拼搏。Mike曾是纽约一家地方电视台的节目主持人,疾病一度导致他不能工作。现在一种新药让他的身体状况改善许多,他考虑重返工作岗位。
简介:BBC One的3集迷你剧《英式丑闻 A Very English Scandal》根据Jeremy Thorpe的真人真事所改篇。在60年代末英国才刚刚对同性恋除罪化,而当时作为自由党领袖,以及百年来英国政党中最年轻的领袖,Jeremy Thorpe(Hugh Grant饰)隐藏着一个秘密 – 他有一个前同性恋人 Norman Scott(Ben Whishaw饰)。
只要Norman Scott还活着,这对Jeremy Thorpe来说都是威胁,因此他策划谋杀前度,但最终不但不成事,还被对方指控意图谋杀。此事令Jeremy Thorpe成为首位因谋杀案而受审判的英国政治家,更被公众得知他的同志身份;最终Jeremy Thorpe虽然被判无罪,但也结束了政治生涯。
该剧由Stephen Frears执导﹑Russell T. Davies负责执笔。...
简介:Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from the Channel Tunnel in front of their young daughter. Events take a dramatic turn when a plane crashes into the Channel.
简介:究竟是什么塑造了真正的你?电影将聚焦乔伊·高纳(杰米·福克斯配音)。这位中学音乐老师获得了梦寐以求的机会——在纽约最好的爵士俱乐部演奏。但一个小失误把他从纽约的街道带到了一个奇幻的地方“生之来处”(the Great Before)。在那里,灵魂们获得培训,在前往地球之前将获得他们的个性特点和兴趣。决心要回到地球生活的乔伊认识了一个早熟的灵魂“二十二”(蒂娜·菲 配音),二十二一直找不到自己对于人类生活的兴趣。随着乔伊不断试图向二十二展示生命的精彩之处,他也将领悟一些人生终极问题的答案。
简介:城市在恢复平静后,大反派重新召集旧部卷土重来,并勾结外星恶势力朗格试图称霸地球,忍者神龟莱昂纳多(皮特·普劳泽克 Pete Ploszek 饰)、拉斐尔(阿兰·里奇森 Alan Ritchson 饰)、多纳泰罗(杰瑞米·霍华德 Jeremy Howard 饰)和米开朗基罗(诺尔·费舍 Noel Fisher 饰)与女记者艾蓓丽尔·奥尼尔(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰)、韦恩·芬威克(威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett 饰),及面具义警凯西·琼斯(斯蒂芬·阿梅尔 Stephen Amell 饰)并肩作战打击恶徒。在史莱德(布莱恩·泰 Brian Tee 饰)逃脱拘留后,他与疯狂的科学家巴克斯特斯·托克曼(泰勒·派瑞 Tyler Perry 饰)及其两个笨拙的左膀右臂猪面和牛头联合,发布了一个控制世界的恶魔计划。在神龟们与史莱德及其同伙对抗的同...
简介:A private jet crashes into meijubar.net woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a successful businessman, finding unexpected connections to the plane crash.
简介:The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been involved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on t...
简介:When Bentham DeQuetteville falls to his death from a roof after seeing a headless horseman, his aristocratic family seem more concerned about their forthcoming Civil War re-enactment than the incident. As Barnaby and Jones try to find out the truth behind the ghostly figure, their investigation uncovers shocking secrets about the DeQuettevilles.
简介:Claudia has trust issues, and the press questions Paul's sanity, after his impulsive trip to Florida. Mike handles Randall's divorce and falls for the opposing lawyer. Carter spies on neighbors and is accused of heterophobia.