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Alia decides to leave Bangkok and return to Jakarta once after her parents died. She and Abel, her teenage sister, moved into their childhood home away from the city. But Abel, who was often strange and frightened, disliked the house. He said there was something else besides them. Alia and Davin, Alias girlfriend who accompanied Alia, were ignore everything which Abel said. But Abels attitude is getting worse. Feel she must to help Abel, Alia intends to take Abel to a psychiatrist. But Abel refuses and she says that she can see those who are already dead because her third eye has been open since childhood. Abel invites Alia to see Mrs. Windu, a psychic who has been always helping Abel. Want to prove all the things that make no sense to this, Alia asked Mrs. Windu to open her third eye. And slowly, Alia began to experience unusual events. She began to see skmething that no one else could see, and the presence of ghosts who asked her help. But them who were appears at Alias house ...


  • 1.0 正片 红灯 基里安·墨菲,西格妮·韦弗,罗伯特·德尼罗,伊丽莎白·奥尔森,乔莉·理查德森,托比·琼斯,伯恩·戈曼,克雷格·罗伯兹,莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚,米切尔·马伦,扬·科奈特,凯伦·戴维,彼得·布鲁克,Simon,Lee,Phillips,艾丹·什普利,Anna,Ferguson,莱克斯·朗,里夫·霍顿,格兰特·乔治,加里克·哈根,安德莱内·列诺斯,罗伯特·帕特森,杰妮·斯巴克,埃洛伊塞·韦伯
  • 8.0 超清 僵尸家族 元彪,林正英,李赛凤
  • 5.0 HD 不明身份 连姆·尼森,黛安·克鲁格,詹纽瑞·琼斯,弗兰克·兰格拉,艾丹·奎因,塞巴斯蒂安·科赫,佩特拉·施密特-夏勒,卡尔·马克维斯,布鲁诺·甘茨,梅尔·罗德里格斯,赖纳·博克,瑞纳萨林
  • 1.0 正片 少女怪谈 姜河那,金素恩,李雅贤,韩惠琳,李瑟儿,尹灿荣,李春,朱多英,朴斗植,金正泰,申秀妍
  • 8.0 HD 荒岛惊魂2018 崔冬辰,卢云
  • 5.0 DVD 咒怨2录像带版 大家由祐子,芦川诚,藤井香织,柳忧怜,小山僚太,藤贵子,松山鹰志




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